Ladies have a quiet evening of golf

Thursday, July 21, was a fairly quiet Ladies' Night, with only three players from flight 1 and nine flight 2 players present

Thursday, July 21, was a fairly quiet Ladies’ Night, with only three players from flight 1 and nine flight 2 players present.

The winners from flight 1 were Madeline Klassen for low gross and Marg Anderson for low net. Marg also won for longest putt and long drive in 2 shots.

Joan Slingsby won long drive.Flight 2 winners were Sheila Colter for low gross and Daisy Hystad for low net. Sheila also won KP on hole #5, long drive, and long drive in two shots! Debbie Downey had the longest putt.

Winners in the categories open to both flights were Stephanie Turner for longest putt, Daisy Hystad for least putts and Debbie Downey for ‘Most Honest’ putter. And finally Larissa Hadley won a ball to replace the one RIP in the pond on hole #4.

Thank you to our local sponsors: Buy Low Foods, Home Hardware, Lacarya, Painted Turtle Restaurant, Pharmasave, Risson Realty/ Century 21, and Wells Grey Inn.



Clearwater Times