Cowichan Rocks Curling Club (CRCC) ladies are hosting their seventh annual curling and games fundraiser on Feb. 8.
Get four friends together to form a rink and register. The cost is $25 per person, which includes lunch. CRCC ask that you also bring a new, used, or a re-gift item, unwrapped, for their silent auction.
This fun spiel and games day is an annaul fundraiser. This year proceeds go to outfit the junior boys’ Lake Cowichan School curling team.
Four 15-year-old LCS boys have formed a curling rink to compete in upcoming bonspiels. Proceeds from this fundraiser will help defray some of the costs involved when playing in out of town bonspiels, purchasing team jackets and other expenses.
Curlers of all abilities are welcome to the event, from teenagers to adult. Beginners are encouraged to come out and have fun.
Participants can play two four-end curling games, shuffleboard, ping pong, and cribbage — there will be prizes! To register a team visit or call the arena in Lake Cowichan 250-749-6742 or organizer Tricia Mayea at 250-749-4140.