Ladies night golfer says “putter on holidays”

Ladies night golf report from Chonook Cove Golf in the North Thompson Valley

By Leslie Stirling

I am back from holidays and was happy to join the ladies at the golf course on Tuesday night, July 31.

Unfortunately my putter was still on holidays.  I didn’t let it get me down though.  The weather was lovely (did you notice the short rain shower that we had after supper).  The food was delicious.  The company was fantastic.  The laughter was practically non-stop.  I had really missed my golfing buddies.

Susan Mitchell definitely showed up for her game.  She scored a 44 to win low gross for Flight #1; scored a birdie on #7 to win the birdie pot which has been carried over for a number of weeks; had a deuce on #4 (Barb & Carman Smith) and a KP in 2 on #7 (Crystlee’s Hair Design).  Christine LeCerf won the low net for Flight #1 with a score of 45.  Carol Hindle used the least number of putts (13) to win the Shais Design prize and had a long drive on #1 to win the Station House Restaurant certificate.  Other Flight 1 winners were Shirley Ross with a  long putt on #5 to win the Barriere Massage prize and Deanna Pendergast with a long drive in two to win the Knights Inn certificate.

Flight 2 low gross winner was Theresa Young with a score of 44. Theresa also had a KP on #4 to win the Carl’s Market Garden prize.  Barb Morris took home the low net as well as the AG Foods prize for a long drive in 2 on #2.  The other Flight 2 prizes went to Babes Shanko (long putt – Bodi Mekanix) and Audrey Rilcoe (long drive – J’Rue by Lynda).

Flight 3 winner was Trish Duncan with a score of 51.  Joan Streadwick was also a big winner taking home the Carol Patton, CGA prize for KP on #4; Stamer Logging prize for KP on #6; and the Our Little Secret Consignment certificate for a long putt on #9.  Angie Rainer had a monster drive on #1 to win the Val-Bella Studio prize.  Evelyn Lucas had a long putt on #2 to win the Barriere A & W prize.  Deb Winiski had a long drive in 2 on #5 to win the Country Store Antique prize.

Trudy Scarlett rolled in a longer putt than the rest of us to win the Barriere Irly Building prize.  Tanya Desjarlais and Debbie Pearce won the River Adventure Co. prize and the Ron Wallace Trucking prize for the hidden score (47).  And then there was me.  I won the Estylo Hair Design for closest to the New Golfer for a ball that I hit almost into the trees and the Rainer Custom Cutting prize for the most putts (26…yes, 26).

Just a quick reminder to all those ladies wishing to take part on August 21 in the Golf for Cancer in Memory of Bonnie CruzelleMyram – be sure to book your team and reserve your carts as soon as possible as spots are filling up quickly.  Pledge sheets are available from Leslie Stirling or Deb Rainer.

Next week is a regular golf night.  I am looking forward to it already!



Barriere Star Journal