Ladies play Two Player Alternate Shot

Aug. 9 was a special night for the Lacarya Ladies' Golf Club.


Aug. 9 was a special night for the Lacarya Ladies’ Golf Club. The game of the night was ‘Two Player Alternate Shot’. Teams of two competed against each other, each player teeing off but then only the best drive of the two was used and players took turns hitting the same ball until the hole was completed. Joan Slingsby and Jan Johnston placed first, Madeline Klassen and Daisy Hystad placed second, and Katie Koldyk and Daniella Schwager were deemed the ‘most honest’ players.

Winners for longest drive on hole #1 were Carol Hindle in flight one, and Sheila Colter in flight two and on hole #9 were Deb Pearce in flight one and Abbey Bates in flight two.Jan Johnston won the KP on hole #7. There were two Lucky Golfer Draws won by Marg Anderson and Penny Harper. Katie Koldyk won a ball to replace the ball she lost in the pond. The 50/50 winner was Liz Morrison.

Golf was followed by a delicious buffet dinner. It was indeed a fun evening.


Thanks again to our local sponsors: Buy Low Foods, Home Hardware, Lacarya, Painted Turtle Restaurant, Pharmasave, Risson Realty/ Century 21, and Wells Grey Inn.



Clearwater Times