Ladies Thursday Night golf report

July 28 saw 13 ladies out for golf at Lacarya. Plenty of room left for more ladies to participate.


July 28 saw 13 ladies out for golf at Lacarya. Plenty of room left for more ladies to participate. Come on out on Thursday if you are interested. Call the clubhouse to let them know you are coming and someone will be there to get you started. The winners in flight 1 were Carol Hindle with low gross and Tanya Desjarlais for low net. Tanya also won for long drive and for long drive in 2 shots. Katie Koldyk won for long putt.

In flight 2, the winners were Sheila Colter for low gross and Korinne Isbister for low net. Abbey Bates had the longest drive, Sheila had the longest drive in 2 shots and Daisy Hystad had the longest putt.

In the competitions open to both flights, Joan Streadwick won the KP on #7, Korinne had the longest putt, Tanya had the least amount of putts and Katie won for being the ‘most honest’ putter. Carol and Joan Streadwick both had a deuce so they split the pot that had been accumulating. Abbey received a new ball to replace the one she lost in the pond.


Thank you to our local sponsors: Buy Low Foods, Home Hardware, Lacarya, Painted Turtle Restaurant, Pharmasave, Risson Realty/Century 21, and Wells Grey Inn.



Clearwater Times