Lady golfers enjoy day at Lacarya

The deuce pot and birdie pot were not won and are growing nicely

Golf clubs.

Golf clubs.

There were 15 women in attendance at the Sept. 1 Lacarya Ladies’ Golf Club.

Winners in flight 1 were Katie Koldyke with low gross and Madeline Klassen with low net. Katie also won long drive. Carol Hindle won long drive in two and long putt.

Flight 2 winners were Joan Streadwick with low gross and Sheila Colter with low net. Joan also won long drive and long drive in two shots. Abbey Bates won KP and Rose Harley won long putt.

Winners of competitions open to both flights were Michelle Stevens for long putt, Marg Anderson with the least putts and Daisy Hystad was the ‘most honest’ putter.

Daisy was also the winner of the 50/50 draw.

The deuce pot and birdie pot were not won and are growing nicely.

Once again we would like to thank our local sponsors: Buy Low Foods, Home Hardware, Lacarya, Painted Turtle Restaurant, Pharmasave, Risson Realty/ Century 21, and Wells Grey Inn.


Clearwater Times