Tenpin bowlers Brad Monette, left, Todd Jones and Francis Kremler, along with teammate Brad MacDonald, compete at the National Classified provincial championships in Vancouver this weekend. The four, who don't bowl together in league play at Langford Lanes and represent four separate average categories, came together to win the Island title in Nanaimo.

Tenpin bowlers Brad Monette, left, Todd Jones and Francis Kremler, along with teammate Brad MacDonald, compete at the National Classified provincial championships in Vancouver this weekend. The four, who don't bowl together in league play at Langford Lanes and represent four separate average categories, came together to win the Island title in Nanaimo.

Langford bowlers rolling toward provincials

Unique bowling tournament assembles varied teammates

Bowl Canada’s National Classified tournament brings together bowlers in four league average categories for a chance to taste team glory.

Langford Lanes-based teammates Brad MacDonald, Francis Kremler, Todd Jones and Brad Monette, who combined to win the Island title recently,  take on similarly assembled teams from around the province Saturday (May 10) at Town and Country Bowl in Vancouver.

The foursome don’t bowl in the same league, but gelled well when they came together as local winners in their specific average categories, Kremler said.

“We’re having a great time. We all get along,” he said during a practice session this week.

The team members come from various sports backgrounds.

MacDonald (191-up average) was absent on this night as he was playing fastball in the MacDonald Park Men’s League in James Bay. Monette (150-under), a former Olympic-style weightlifter and martial artist who only took up tenpin bowling this season, plans to alternate it with his summer passion, golf, from here on in.

Jones (151-170), a navy man, bowled candlepins – similar to fivepin bowling but with 10 nearly straight pins – back home in New Brunswick before joining the forces 21 years ago. His father was a world champion in the sport.

Kremler (171-190) is a longtime tenpinner who loves competition.

“Bowling in a league is fun, but tournament play, it pushes you to bowl better,” he said.

The B.C. winner advances to the Canadian championships in Saskatoon in late June.


Victoria News