Langley teen taken by Rockets

Langley teen taken by Rockets

Defenceman Elias Carmichael selected by Kelowna in second round of WHL bantam draft

It is an annual rite of passage for aspiring young hockey players each spring: the Western Hockey League’s annual bantam draft.

Two hundred and twenty-five young hockey players from across western Canada and the United States heard their names called on Thursday, including Langley’s Elias Carmichael.

The 15-year-old from Langley went in the second round, 40th overall, to the Kelowna Rockets.

And he was the lone Langley teen picked in the draft’s 13 rounds.

The six-foot-one, 182-pound defenceman spent this past season with the Burnaby Winter Club bantam prep squad and he was unavailable to chat with the Times following his selection, but for good reason: he was in Philadelphia for a hockey tournament.

In 51 games with the BWC squad, he had five goals and 36 points.

“Strong two-way defenceman, heavy checker, good first pass,” described Leland Mack, his coach with BWC.

He described Carmichael as a great kid, always happy and focused.

“He will be a solid two-way WHL defenceman,” the coach added.

In a scouting profile, BC Hockey Now called Carmichael a “big, all-situations defender (who) continues to improve and is developing a more consistent offensive game.” The report also complimented his long, powerful skating stride.

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