Learn all about tennis in the Comox Valley

Free presentation May 7 features guest speaker Dr. Guy La Masurier

FIND OUT ABOUT tennis in the Comox Valley at a free presentation May 7 at the Filberg Centre.

FIND OUT ABOUT tennis in the Comox Valley at a free presentation May 7 at the Filberg Centre.




Ever wanted to play tennis?

Discover how to get in the game in a free event May 7 from 7-9 p.m. at the Filberg Centre in Courtenay.

Brenda Dean, a Building Tennis Community Champion for Tennis Canada, has organized a lively evening that will provide information and a demonstration of how to become involved in tennis.

The guest speaker is Guy Le Masurier, a professor of Sport, Health and Physical Education at Vancouver Island University in Nanaimo.

His research areas include physical activity, fitness, physical education, physical activity promotion and physical activity measurement.

His topic expertise includes adolescence, children, exercise, fitness, nutrition, pediatrics and sports. Le Masurier enjoys playing squash and was a familiar figure at the Anderton Park tennis courts when he lived in the Comox Valley.

There will also be information presented about kids tennis, community team tennis, summer tennis programs, adult tennis lessons and the Comox Valley Tennis Club.

Dean notes the Wednesday night event is being filmed as part of a documentary/presentation that will be used to showcase what is happening with tennis here in the Comox Valley.

She invites all interested to attend. Check out her Facebook page In Your Court Tennis for more details about tennis in the Comox Valley.






Comox Valley Record