Learning from Stories

I don’t think I truly understood the impact that the BC Children’s Hospital has had on our community.

When I began this journey to BC Children’s Hospital, I don’t think I truly understood the impact that the BC Children’s Hospital has had on our community.

I had told myself numerous times this cycling event is about creating awareness in Quesnel, about the importance of BC Children’s Hospital and how we use it, be it families using it for one day or spending weeks and months in the hospital.

Many families have been sharing their stories with me and I have been humbled by them.

Stories of courage, resiliency of children, heart surgeries, tumor removal, and listening to families tell about bringing their children back home and some families that had children that didn’t make it home.

I have shared tears and hugs with many in this community, and thus, when I ride, each pedal stroke will be for all children in hopes that they can share more time with their families.

I feel when I am cycling I am carrying these stories with me back to BC Children’s Hospital.

I have been asked many questions such as: Why are you riding? Are you ready? And my responses have not changed.

My purpose is driven in my passion to cycle and in my motivation to inspire or most importantly become inspired.

I let people know, I am riding for them.

I am riding for the children. I am riding because I am inspired.

I am riding because I am passionate about being a positive role model.

And in return those young superheros at BC Children’s Hospital have shown me what it is like to be resilient, generous and most importantly not to be overwhelmed by daily activities.

The true superheros are the children that have been or are in BC Children’s.

Families have shared their love of the hospital with me.

Thus this cycling event is teaching me the importance of being humble, teaching me to be inspired and grow in wisdom and truth.

And furthermore allowing me to continually serve this world without ego.

I have been taught from a young age the importance of service and giving back, and my personal hope is that for the next generation they too will be inspired to serve without the concern of a reward, to be humble and to grow with wisdom and truth.

Quesnel Cycling is Rob Gardner and Armajit (Archie) Sull. They are riding to Whistler this summer to raise funds for the B.C. Children’s hospital.


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Quesnel Cariboo Observer