Lenton joins MRSS 300 Club

Jorrin Lenton is part of the Mighty 300 club at his high school, and the youngest and lightest person to ever accomplish the feat.

Jorrin Lenton is the youngest and smallest athlete to join the 300 Club, after a grueling physical challenge, at Maple Ridge Secondary.

Jorrin Lenton is the youngest and smallest athlete to join the 300 Club, after a grueling physical challenge, at Maple Ridge Secondary.

Jorrin Lenton is part of the Mighty 300 club at his high school, and the youngest and lightest person to ever accomplish the feat.

The Grade 10 Maple Ridge secondary athlete completed the grueling physical challenge, named for the movie about Spartan warriors with abdominals achieved only with airbrushing.

But the actors also got in shape, and renowned MRSS wrestling coach Bill McCrae found their routine and made it a “try this” challenge.

Lenton gets his name on the weight room wall for all eternity as part of the illustrious club.

To gain entry the applicant must perform the following:

  • 25 starting chin ups
  • 50 deadlifts (135lbs)
  • 50 push ups
  • 50 box jumps
  • 50 floor wipers while holding up a 134 lbs bench press
  • 50 35lb kettle ball presses (25 each side)
  • A final 25 chin ups

In its 10-year history, with over 300 applicants only 10  MRSS student athletes have successfully accomplished this “Herculean” task, said McCrae, including one female – Madison Sands in 2012.

He was impressed that Lenton could get it done, given that he weighs 131 pounds and is younger than the other club members.

He gave Lenton props for having the mental toughness to complete it.

“We’ve had three or four people make it all the way to the final chin ups, but they couldn’t finish,” said the coach. “They have nothing left.”

Lenton wasn’t sure he would get through deadlifts.

“It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life,” he said.

He is a Midget A1 hockey player, and in track and field is one of the top hurdlers in Canada in his age group.


Maple Ridge News