Lightburn one of many Games volunteers

Province’s top young athletes come to Mission Feb. 20-23 for BC Winter Games

Elsie Lightburn has spent decades volunteering in Mission, and will help with the upcoming BC Winter Games.

Elsie Lightburn has spent decades volunteering in Mission, and will help with the upcoming BC Winter Games.

Elsie Lightburn has always liked sports. As a young girl, she loved track and field and field hockey. As she got older, she became a lifeguard and taught young children not to fear water.

Now at 91 years old, it was only natural the active senior volunteered to help out at the B.C. Winter Games in February next year.

“I like to volunteer,” said Lightburn. “I can’t stand long, but I thought if I could do something, I would.”

Lightburn doesn’t know how she’ll be helping yet. She has lived in Mission since 1946 and believes she would be a natural at welcoming guests and offering advice on local attractions.

She makes friends every day with her warm smile and friendly eyes, keeping her socially active.

Mission is hosting the B.C. Winter Games Feb. 20-23. Hundreds of volunteers are still needed in all functions, including food services, medical services, photography, hosts, receptions, sport, transportation, accommodation, etc.

To find out more about the Games and how you can get involved, visit or call 604-820-7529.

Mission City Record