Local bowlers off to Saskatoon

Bowling talent on display among Castlegar competitors

  • May. 22, 2014 10:00 a.m.
Pictured from left: Mae Perepolkin, Lori Bakken, Dorothy Scott, Lisa Lesy and Tina Fomenoff.

Pictured from left: Mae Perepolkin, Lori Bakken, Dorothy Scott, Lisa Lesy and Tina Fomenoff.

For the second time in three years Castle Bowl is sending a ladies team to the National Level of the National Classified Tournament in 5 pin bowling!

On Saturday May 10 the five player team consisting of Dorothy Scott, Mae Perepolkin, Tina Fomenoff, Lisa Lesy and Lori Bakken bowled five games to win the championship.

This tournament allows all bowlers, no matter what average they have, to compete. There are five different average classes, and you compete for a spot in your class on the team. Castlegar had enough interest that we had our own zone finals, ensuring we’d send a men’s and ladies’ team to Provincials.

This years men’s team placed a respectable fourth place battling the whole way through. An exceptional performance by Geoff Tellier earned him an all star award for his class.

The ladies were off like a shot from the first game and never let up. They finished 193 points over second place Kelowna Capri lanes to win. The class 2 bowler, Mae Perepolkin, won all star for her five games, averaging 189.  Tina Fomenoff, in class 3, also won all star averaging 216, and Lori Bakken in class 5 also threw the highest single of the day with a 293. Their total pin fall in five games was an impressive 4951.

The girls are now off to Saskatoon, SK for two days worth of bowling against the other provincial champions on June 21-22.

Congratulations on your hard work and good luck to our girls!

Castlegar News