Local golfer wins prestigious award

108 Ladies Golf Club member comes first in provincial tournament

The 108 Ladies Golf Club members were proud to present fellow golfer Joanna Garrow with the Zone 8 (Cariboo Peace River) and a provincial award for the Dorothy Olive Franklin Tournament held last June.

Garrow received the award on May 4 and is the first member of the 108 Ladies Golf Club to have received an award on a provincial level.

The tournament was an 18-hole, low-net competition, which had been established in honour of the late Dorothy Franklin who gave many years to the ladies golf club both at the provincial and national level.

the competition will be held again at participating golf clubs in British Columbia next month and will be open to any female golfer with an established handicap. The cost to participate is $2 and the proceeds will be used to help send Junior female golfers to out of province or international tournaments.

100 Mile House Free Press