EMCS player Chris Morberg gets tackled and tossed over during a 7 aside rugby game on April 19 against Pacific Christian School.

EMCS player Chris Morberg gets tackled and tossed over during a 7 aside rugby game on April 19 against Pacific Christian School.

Local rugby players get serious

The Wolverines intend on ramping up their game to compete with experienced teams

The EMCS Wolverines senior team have learned a lot over the past few games, after competing with seasoned players.

The team lost to Glenlyon Norfolk School on April 17 with a 23-0 score.

“We didn’t play very well, they were defintely beating us pretty good,” said fullback Chris Morberg. “Hopefully later on in the season we’ll be more prepared.”

The players entered the match battered and bruised after competing in three heavy games during the Claremont Scrum Fest on April 12-13, which heralded rugby teams from Alberta, Ontario and Australia.

“You know the guys came up against a team [GNS] that just knew how to play the game,” said coach Matt Mortensen.

“I think it was a good eye opener for them. I do think they were very flat and beat up from the Scrum Fest.”

He said with dedication and practice, the Wolverines will be able to up their game.

“I think the games are going to be tighter from here on in.”

The Wolverines played 7 aside rugby games against Pacific Christian School on April 19 for development.

Mortensen said the games were close both ways.

The team’s next game will be at Victoria High School on Thursday.



Sooke News Mirror