Here’s local runner Ed Ansems. He placed first in his age category at the Vancouver Sun Run on April 21.

Here’s local runner Ed Ansems. He placed first in his age category at the Vancouver Sun Run on April 21.

Local runner finishes first for second time this year

Two times a charm for local runner Ed Ansems, who placed first in his category at the Vancouver Sun Run on April 21

Local Terrace runner Ed Ansems participated in the Vancouver Sun Run on April 21, along with 46,000 other runners, placing first in his age group (Male 65 to 69) out of 349 other runners in that group.

As the Sun Run was also the B.C. 10km Championship he won that award also. His time of 42 minutes and 13 seconds (4:14 per km) placed him 776 overall out of the 46,000 finishers in the race. This was his second B.C. Championship win, as he won the 5km race in March.

“It was a great experience to run in a race of this size,” he said. “Because of my placing in past races, I managed to get a race number that allowed me to be in the front group with the elite runners. Since the Sun Run 10km is one of the top three races in the world, I was really pleased to do so well.”

Next up for Ansems is the B.C. 8km Championship in Vancouver at the end of May.


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