Loggers have good games against Meralomas

The Sooke Loggers defeated the Vancouver team 5-0 in five innings, during the game two

The Sooke Loggers defeated the Vancouver Meralomas 5-0 in their second fastball game on April 29.

During game one, they tied the Meralomas 2-2 after seven innings.

Len Banner, field manager, said the Meralomas’ had the advantage of having Canadian National Team player, Derek Mayson, as a pitcher.

“The first game they had a national team pitcher in there, he kept us off balance for a while.”

The Loggers were also without their starting short-stop, who was unable to participate due to illness.

“We were a little bit sloppy during the first couple innings, but after that we picked up and we played really well,” Banner said, adding the majority of errors were made in the third inning where the Meralomas scored both their runs.

Things looked up for the Loggers in game two, where they won 5-0 in five innings, with Logger Scott Lieph throwing a two hitter for the win.

“Nick Medwedrich lead the way with a home run and Ben Edgington had a two run, scoring triple,” Banner said via email.

The Loggers will be in Kelowna on the May long weekend to play in the International Softball Congress World Tournament qualifier for West Coast teams. Out of eight teams, the top team that wants to go to the to the tournament will receive the qualifying spot.





Sooke News Mirror