Loud rumblings for Ladies Night

Ladies Night Golf at Chinook Cove Golf and RV Resort

By Leslie Stirling

Loud crackles and soft rumblings…that was the thunder not the ladies at the Chinook Cove golf on Tuesday, Aug. 4.

Storm clouds were amassing as we made our way around the nine holes.  My group was fortunate to get finished before the storm hit but there were a few ladies who didn’t get all nine holes finished.

Fortunately there is plenty of covered tables on the patio so we were still able to sit outdoors for supper and prize presentation.

Thirty-three ladies ignored the clouds and turned out for the regular Ladies Night.

Flight One prize (Hub International) winners were Carol Hindle with a low gross score of 41 and Deb Legaree with a low net of 28.5 (43).  Leslie Stirling scored a 51 to win low gross in Flight 2 (Stamer Logging) while Carol Willox had a low net of 34 (52).

Low gross in Flight 3 (Armour Mountain Bookkeeping) went to JoAnne Lyle with a score of 69 and second low gross went to Rose Seymour with a score of 73.  Irene Beeton picked up the deuce pot and Louise Lodge won the birdie pot.

Louise is heading home to Cairo at the end of this week and we will miss her.

Long drive in 2 prizes on Hole 1 were sponsored by AG Foods, Knights Inn and Barriere A&W.  They were won by Marla Muldoon, Betty Baillie and Rose Seymour.

Long putt prizes on Holes 2 and 3 were sponsored by Barriere Timber Mart, Barriere Massage and Crystlee’s Hair Design.  They were picked up by Cindy Leibel, Betty Baillie and JoAnne Lyle.  KP’s on Hole 4 were won by Chris LeCerf (Bondar Forest Planning), Irene Beeton (Carl’s Market Garden) and JoAnne Lyle (Campbell & Co.).  Long drive winners on Hole 5 were Brenda Oakland and Audrey Deveau.  The sponsors wee Country Store Antiques and Estylo Hair Design.  There were two KPs on Hole 6 – Catharine Phillips and Carol Willox.  The sponsors were EBL Ventures and Ron Wallace Trucking.

The coveted Pottery by Ramona was won by Trudy Forsythe for KP in 2 on Hole 7.  The usual suspects went into the gully on 7 and received balls from Carman and Barb Smith.  Those balls that were missing last week were also handed out.

On Hole 8 JoAnne Lyle received the Rainer Custom Cutting certificate for a long putt and Leslie Stirling won the Sam’s Pizza certificate for landing closest to the sand trap.  Husband Bob will be pleased because he often cooks Friday night supper at Sam’s.

Deb Legaree and Betty Baillie had long putts on hole 9 to win prizes from the Station House Restaurant and Val Bella Studio.  The Interior Credit Union putt prizes were won by Val Aylward (most) and Jeannie Webber (least).

Last call for our August fun night.  It is a fund raiser for Cancer research.  We all know someone who has been touched by breast cancer.  Although the golf and dinner is a lot of fun, the money raised still does some serious work.  If you are interested but don’t have a team to golf with give Debbie Rainer or myself, or the golf course a call for more information.  And if you are a non-golfer, please give a pledge to one of your friends that will be taking part.


Barriere Star Journal