Lunachicks battle to a draw against Aldergrove

The Chilliwack Lunachicks finished their home stand this past weekend with a hard fought 0 – 0 draw with the visiting Aldergrove Battle Axes.

The Chilliwack Lunachicks finished their home stand this past weekend with a hard fought 0 – 0 draw with the visiting Aldergrove Battle Axes.

Lisa Hiemstra garnered the shutout for the Lunachicks while defender Rebecca Bramley registered a strong game for the local squad. Chilliwack turned in a strong second half and was unlucky not to score when mid-fielder Kelly Willmets drilled a shot off the crossbar at the 27 minute mark. Tracey James came close when she redirected a cross just wide of the Aldergrove net late in the game.

Chilliwack Progress