Man crossing Canada stops in Hope

He spent two days here before setting off westbound.

Bret Mavriik and his companion, Nymeria take a photo together. The Toronto to Whistler walker stopped by Hope last weekend.

Bret Mavriik and his companion, Nymeria take a photo together. The Toronto to Whistler walker stopped by Hope last weekend.

Cross-Canada walker Bret Mavriik, 50, came by Hope last Saturday, stopping for two nights on his Toronto to Whistler walking journey.

“I love the town,” said Mavriik. “I’ve seen the movie Rambo so many times … I walked around the main park so I could see the different views that I remember from the film.

“And the wood artwork out there … that stuff is awesome.”

He left westbound on Monday headed for Chilliwack, pushing a stroller that holds all his supplies and his three-and-a-half-year-old Siberian Husky, Nymeria.

“It’s been a mission,” said Mavriik “Coming out of Kelowna was — I wasn’t really ready for it. Two days straight walking up a mountain was pretty taxing on me.

“There’s no road support. There’s no sponsorship on this. It’s just been her and I, and what little help we get along the way.”

Mavriik can’t even afford to be a meat-and-potatoes guy. He is more of an oatmeal-and-peanut-butter-sandwich guy.

“There’s so many things out there, but they cost a fortune,” said Mavriik. “In the wintertime, I had nothing to eat. I couldn’t boil water to make hot chocolate. I couldn’t make my oatmeal. I mean, your peanut butter and jam is frozen inside the jar. That’s how it was.”

But he has seen the kindness of Canadians along his way.

“It’s Christmas. People are sending me messages from everywhere,” said Mavriik. “And then 15 minutes later, this girl shows up with a Christmas dinner still warm.”

Read the full article in the July 21 edition of The Hope Standard.

Hope Standard