Lindsey Alguire (Lil’ Whipper Snipper) from the Penticton Pistoleras and Christine David (Roll N Loki) from Kootenay Coalition during roller derby action at the Penticton Curling Club last year. (Western News file photo)

Lindsey Alguire (Lil’ Whipper Snipper) from the Penticton Pistoleras and Christine David (Roll N Loki) from Kootenay Coalition during roller derby action at the Penticton Curling Club last year. (Western News file photo)

May the 4th be rolling with you in Penticton

The South Okanagan Roller Derby is holding a friendly mash-up scrimmage on May 4th.

  • Apr. 29, 2019 12:00 a.m.

It’s derby time in the Okanagan.

The South Okanagan Roller Derby Association is holding a friendly mash-up scrimmage at the Penticton Curling Club on May 4. Skaters from up and down the valley will be coming to participate in the bout.

“This year is a bit of a rebuild year, and we’ve got a lot of new skaters with us. So we’re hosting a scrimmage that is going to be a mash-up for the whole of the Okanagan, we’re expecting skaters from Kelowna, Kamloops, the whole region,” said Kim Wall, a member of the association’s board. “This is a chance for the new skaters to get some bout experience,

The event is open by donation, and everyone is invited to celebrate the day by coming in the costume of their favourite Star Wars character (May the 4th be with you). The costumes won’t be just for the audience either.

READ MORE: Roller derby girls serious about game, work to be fit

“We are encouraging people to come in their best Star Wars gear. We’ll have a costume competition at half-time, with a prize basket donated by Summerland Sweets, for the winner of the costume contest,” said Wall. “The skaters will have pieces of costume on for sure, probably more so face-paint, because of the jersey requirements and because the skating is a little bit harder to do in costumes. But we would always encourage a skater if they wanted to get their skate on in full costume, for sure.”

Still, with how it’s warming up, maybe it’s best to leave the Chewbacca outfit at home.

If you are interested in the roller derby, and joining as a skater, the association is actively recruiting new skaters, with and without experience. If you are an active skater, the association and the local team the Penticton Pistoleras are looking for you to come and join them.

“We are kind of at a place where we need more skaters if we want to continue skating in Penticton,” said Wall. “We are heavily recruiting this year. We don’t have official bouts scheduled, but if we could get maybe six more members we could looking into hosting some real bouts.”

The derby for May 4 is also looking for volunteers, both for the tables and for non-skating official positions. If you are interested in volunteering, you can message the South Okanagan Roller Derby Association on Facebook . If you are interested in becoming a skater, you can also email the association at

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