Mega Sports Camp

The camp was an opportunity for local youth to participate in a variety of sports

Saddleback Community Church pastor, Craig Savage, along with an arsenal of volunteers from the Christian Youth Group, Arrow Lake Alliance Church and Burton Full Gospel have successfully completed their fourth Mega Sports Camp in Nakusp.

The camp was an opportunity for local youth to participate in a variety of sports including soccer and basketball while exploring health and wellness principles. A grant received from the Rec Commission allowed for the introduction of cheerleading and baseball as new activities which were well received by this year’s participants.

Savage describes the impetus for the camp stemmed from a church tradition of offering a “vacational bible school” during the summer. Savage helped organize camps of this nature when he was a Youth Pastor in Vancouver, but when his family relocated to Nakusp five years ago the decision was made focus on “providing a summer activity for the whole community, not just the church community.”

Arrow Lakes School District generously allowed the group access to Nakusp Elementary School facilities for the duration of the sports camp, as well as use of the school fields and equipment. Local volunteers provided the manpower to run the daily activities and lead inspirational discussion with the participants. Savage also hired a summer student through the church whose principle responsibility was to assist with the organization and operation of the camp. This year’s student is Sara Willis, who is attending Summit Pacific College in Abbotsford.


Arrow Lakes News