Men golf every Thursday night

The first men’s golf night of the year played itself out on Thursday, April 26, at Chinook Cove.

Richard Knowles came away with the prize for Low Gross (flight 1) and for Long Putt.  Ed Salle got Low Net for flight 1, while Bill Collison hit the longest drive.  Paul Kavanagh won the prize for closest to the pin (flight 1) and Brad Baker won closest to the pin in two.

In flight 2, Murray Livingston took Low Gross, closest to the pin and closest to the in in two.  Ben Rainer took away Low Net, while Gord Lucas hit the longest driver.  The Long Putt went unclaimed and will be carried over to next week.

Finally, Robert Strachan brought in the only deuce of the night.

Mike Webb, Gord Lucas, Larry Colborne and Doug Richardson each picked up a door prize.

Please note that prizes should be picked up at the front desk.  Remember that next week the game will be Stroke Play from the blue tees.  We look forward to seeing you there.



Barriere Star Journal