The Browns facing off their Compass rivals.

The Browns facing off their Compass rivals.

Men’s fastball playoffs this week

After a long and successful fastball season, the Sooke boys are ready to bring it home with a good finale.

The Sooke Senior Men’s Fastball League is in full swing of its final playoffs, which began Tuesday night at Art Morris Park and ends Saturday.

Last night, Compass faced off against the Pirates, while Thursday night at 6:30 p.m., the Browns take on the Hammers.

On Saturday, there will be a four-game playoff, with the first starting at 10 a.m. at Art Morris.

Georgia Medwedrich, one of the spearheads of the league, along with her son, Andrew, team manager of the Browns, said on Tuesday, the team that ended up first in the league, which is Compass, faced off against the team that ended up fourth in the league, being the Pirates.

On Thursday, second and third place teams, the Browns and Hammers, playoff.

Saturday, the winner of each will play the loser until the final winner is determined.


Sooke News Mirror