Men’s night golfers gear up for 108 Cariboo Open

!08 Cariboo Open set for September

Men’s night golfers at the 108 Resort Golf Course currently have their sights set on the upcoming Cariboo Open.

The 54-hole event takes place at the 108 on Sept. 2-4, with 144 golfers from all over British Columbia expected to come in swinging.

To that end, men’s club members work on perfecting their game each Wednesday night, and on July 13, 52 golfers were out on the course.

Low gross winners in the first, second and third flight were Jeff Kendy, Dean McNeil and Bill Stokes. Second-place low gross winners in their flights were Chris Stevens, Irv Hannah and Allan Kregoski, while third-place winners were Tony Morete, Eric Ohlund and Laurie Miclash.

Low net winners in each flight were Len Van Drimmelin, John Tomlinson and Gary Desjardine, and second-place winners were Mark Larson, Dan Hadden and Ron Thurston. Third place low nets went to Barry Skidmore, James Seeley and Carson Walker.

For more information about the Cariboo Open, contact Dean McNeil at 250-395-2723 or Bob Wieduwilt at 250-395-2040.


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