Michelle Waters prepares for SFU golf season

Michelle Waters prepares for her second year at Simon Fraser University.

It’s been a summer spent on the golf course for Qualicum Beach’s Michelle Waters as she prepares for her second year at Simon Fraser University.

Waters, who graduated from Kwalikum Secondary School just a few years ago, will enter her second season with the SFU women’s golf team looking to showcase her game after spending the majority of her summer out on the links at Pheasant Glen back home in Qualicum Beach.

“I’ve been out there every day,” Waters said. “I haven’t taken off more than a few days and when I’m out there, I’m either getting in a round of golf or practising on the range and the putting green.”

Heading into her second season, Waters is hoping to bring more to her team this time around as she’s got her first year ofuniversity under her belt.

“I’m expecting more from myself,” Waters said. “Last year was a time where I didn’t feel as confident as I could have been. I didn’t play that much before the start of my first year and I was missing a lot of shots I don’t normally miss.”

“I think I’m mentally in a better place going in to this year. I know that if I miss a shot, I know where I’m going to miss it and that takes a lot of fear out of the equation and allows me to swing more freely.”

There have been some additions to the SFU Clan’s women’s golf team for this upcoming year and Waters knows it’s going to be competitive to see who will get the playing time in tournaments for the team.

“Hopefully it pushes everyone,” Waters said. “I know for myself, it makes me want to push myself that much more to excel and that’s only going to help me with my position on the team and to grow as an individual. Plus we’ve added an extra tournament to our schedule this year too, which should be fun.”

Waters has seen the difference between her training this summer compared to last summer, most notably due to the fact that she’s been at it all summer but there are other factors that play into it as well.

“It feels like I have more freedom,” Waters said. “Just being able to get out there to practice and play whenever I want without having to worry about anything.”

“It’s tough through the season, because you’ve got schoolwork and exams to have to worry about. Plus I’m able to get myself where I need to go thanks to having a car.”

“I didn’t have that option last year and had to rely on teammates for getting me to the course and the range when I needed to get some work in.”

To cap it all off, Waters even managed to accomplish something she’s never done on the course until now.

“I had an ace on the 11th at Pheasant Glen,” Waters said proudly. “Pretty cool to be able to finally get one. That’s been the biggest highlight of the summer for me, without a doubt!”

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