Midgets split; Squirts win the league

Team of 11 and 12-year-olds take on Nanaimo and come out on top

The Rage’s Mahriya Aucoin makes contact against the Lightening on Saturday while teammate Chloe Elston gets ready to head for home as coach Kris McNichol watches on.

The Rage’s Mahriya Aucoin makes contact against the Lightening on Saturday while teammate Chloe Elston gets ready to head for home as coach Kris McNichol watches on.

Parksville’s Midget Girls Under 18 rep softball team took on the Langford Lightening Saturday down at Shelley Field in a high scoring double-header that ended in a split.

The hometown Rage won the opener 16-6 and lost game two 16-2.

“We played well in game one, not so well in game two,” Parksville coach Kris McNichol said after the dust had settled, explaining that his squad, made up of 16 and 17 year olds, don’t have a league to play in they prepare for their playoffs by way of exhibition games and tournaments.

The Parksville Rage also field Bantam and Squirt teams.

Two weeks ago the Midget Rage were south of the border in Everett, Washington where they finished middle of the pack at a 12-team tourney, and come June 8-10 they’ll be in the mix as part of a big tournament at Surrey’s Softball City.





A reminder the Midget Rage will be hosting their annual fund-raising golf tournament June 16 at Eaglecrest Golf Club. To register as a team or as an individual e-mail Kris at kmcnichol@shaw.ca

“It’s great fun,” he said, adding “it’s also our major fundraiser of the year to help towards travel costs.”


The Squirt Rage just won their league playoffs played out early because of scheduling conflictions.

At the four-team tourney played out at Beban Park this weekend the Rage went 3-0 in round robin then won both playoff games to claim the C division title.

“It’s a huge improvement from last year,” team coach Kevin Spicer said Sunday, pointing out they finished fifth last year.

The local squad of 11-12 year olds beat Nanaimo Blacks 16-8 in the Sunday’s semifinal game, and blasted Nanimo Reds 16-0 in the final. Meriana Spicer threw 12 strikeouts in the final game and contributed offensively with two home runs — a grand slam and a double for five RBIs.

“The best part was all the girls hit this weekend — it was a great team win,” said Spicer.

Megan McCrae, he addied, “did a great job in her first time at the backcatcher position,” and will now work with regular catcher Syvanna McNichol. Also earning props for their contributions with the bat were Milla Verbicky, Hailey Woods, and Ayden Taporowski.

The Rage still have six regular season games to play in the four-team squirt league, but having their year end playdown early may benefit the team.

“It’s nice to have this early tournament under our belts,” said Spicer. “It’s nice to get the kids thinking about working hard and working together heading into Vancouer Island Regionals.”

There are no provincials at the Squirt C level, but there is a big 40-team tourney for Island teams slated for June 22-24 in Victoria.


Parksville Qualicum Beach News