Miniball blast

The junior miniball basketball program at Caledonia is wrapping up next week, and parents and children are pleased.

Jesse Hanna faces a tough defence and he strategizes his next move. In the back  refereeing is Weihao Zhou, one of the Caledonia senior boys basketball players who help run the program.

Jesse Hanna faces a tough defence and he strategizes his next move. In the back refereeing is Weihao Zhou, one of the Caledonia senior boys basketball players who help run the program.

On Friday, Nov. 25, it will be the last time this fall the children in Terrace miniball will hit the court.

One parent, Ben Mattheis, says it is amazing how many skills his boys developed through the program.

His six-year-old son Owen “went from ducking the ball everytime it was thrown to him, to being able to pass and even get baskets,” Mattheis said.

The junior basketball program is for children in Grades 2-9 to learn basketball skills, and the Caledonia senior boys team helps run the program.

For more on the program, check out our prior story, “Miniball jump starting with new affiliation”.

Terrace Standard