Minor Hockey holds awards banquet

Coach of the Year is Mark Green, while the Volunteer of the Year award went to Lisa Rhodes

Ole Kjenstad (l) and Donald Collins (r) present the coach of the year award to Mark Green.

Ole Kjenstad (l) and Donald Collins (r) present the coach of the year award to Mark Green.

Clearwater and District Minor Hockey president Ole Kjenstad (l) and Donald Collins (r) present the coach of the year award to Mark Green. This year Green’s team, the Peewee Rebels, won the league and the playoffs in the Thompson Cariboo Peewee Recreation league. Volunteer of the Year award went to Lisa Rhodes.

PreNoviceLeft: Winners (l-r) Bailey Rotzetter and Owen Christensen hold the plaque for the Pre-Novice division during Clearwater Minor Hockey’s annual awards banquet on Thursday evening, April 7.




Clearwater Times