Minor hockey registration begins

Barbecue celebration reigning in minor hockey 50th anniversary

The 100 Mile & District Minor Hockey Association (OHMHA) registration barbecue will be taking place at the South Cariboo Rec. Centre on June 25 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

This is the final early registration day for the 2016/17 season in celebration of the 50th year of the OHMHA.

The event, which is sponsored by Borgo’s Sport Shack, will include appearances from 100 Mile Fire Rescue and 108 Mile Volunteer Fire Department members, as well as 100 Mile House Wranglers Sunrise Sam and Sparky the Fire Dog.

First time and returning players will be able to meet the board of directors for the OHMHA as the association celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Floor hockey activities will be available for those who are already craving hockey. A bouncy castle will also be available for young children.

Foot-long and regular hotdogs will be supplied by The Firehouse Diner.

Those who want any more information about the registration day can call the minor hockey office at 250-395-4344.

100 Mile House Free Press