Moore brothers pumped to bat at Summer Games

100 Mile House's Moore brothers off to BC Summer Games

Brothers, Trevor, left, and Brandon Moore, have hit a home run by landing positions on the Summer Games U14 Boys Softball team.

Brothers, Trevor, left, and Brandon Moore, have hit a home run by landing positions on the Summer Games U14 Boys Softball team.

Don’t think you’re seeing double when the last name, Moore, shows up twice on the Surrey 2012 BC Summer Games U14 Boys Softball team roster.

Brothers, Brandon and Trevor Moore of 100 Mile House both made the Zone 8 Cariboo-North East team after attending a two-day tryout in Prince George.

They were among the 13 chosen from 20 boys who attended the selection camp. Candidates were tested on their batting and throwing skills, running and game play.

“We got in no problem,” says Brandon, a seasoned pitcher for a 100 Mile Peewee house team.

He has been playing ball for five years, and while pitching is his strong suit, he’s not fussy about what position he will play during the Games.

“I’m on the team and that’s good enough.”

Trevor, a second baseman and the younger of the two, is still riding on a high following a silver medal performance with his zone team at the recent provincials.

Trevor says he is finding it hard to imagine a greater thrill at this point, but he’s still pretty excited about competing at the Games.

“I think about it and go through a play in my head and see if I can figure out where to throw.”

100 Mile House Free Press