More teams in contention for first

More teams in contention for first

Race tightens in Maple Ridge's Haney Masters Curling

  • Oct. 29, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Darrell Winterlik


The competition for top spot in the Haney Masters’ Curling league sees at least 11 rinks within striking distance of leader Peter Koehler.

In one of the most competitive sessions in years, Koehler’s rink of Doug Dunbar and Victor Playdon is followed by Gary Sawatsky’s rink and a slew of rinks which have slowly inched closer with consecutive victories.

Ron Laxdahl’s rink of Jim Keenan, Hugh McIntyre and Chris English moved into contention with their sixth consecutive win, after defeating Bernard Bon Enfant’s rink of Jim Wilson, John Jacobs and Bob Neil 7-4.

Meanwhile Keith Bonner after a tie with Koehler, and Bob MacKay’s rink, Eric Holler and Jim Maitland have kept pace and remain in the hunt.


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