Morrow on the move to title

With his training taking him to many different locations and venues, Aubrey “Bam Bam” Morrow is busy preparing for his Oct. 24 fight.

With his training taking him to many different locations and venues, Aubrey “Bam Bam” Morrow is busy preparing for his Oct. 24 fight against Francis Lafreniere for the Canadian middleweight title.

It’s been a whirlwind tour for Morrow and coach Rich LeStage, who have been training in Victoria, on the Lower Mainland and even down to California for training sessions in Los Angeles and San Diego.

“It’s all playing its part,” Morrow said. “Travelling around to different gyms and just getting out there is just a part of it all.”

“We’ve been fortunate to have these chances to get to go to different places and spar with all sorts of different fighters, so that’s been really good for us. Being able to travel down to L.A., sparring at Freddie Roach’s Wildcard Boxing Gym, that was pretty cool too,” Morrow said.

“But all in all, it’s just all part of getting us ready for October 24.”

“Bam Bam” is back at home and feeling good after returning from California. With the fight just over a month away, it’s a building process and there is still a lot of time left before the bell rings for his Canadian middleweight title fight.

“It’s a process, that’s for sure,” Morrow said. “You really want to just jump right into it but you have to realize that there’s lots of time between the training and the fight itself.”

“It’s good to keep that in mind and keep a steady pace. We’re building well towards it and I’m feeling really good and positive as we move along here.”

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