Mothersill going for provincials

Qualicum Beach resident won the Victoria Cup and is taking lifelong passion forward

Mike Mothersill captured first place at the Victoria Cup last week, earning himself a spot in the B.C. Amateur Body Building Association’s provincial competition next year.

Mike Mothersill captured first place at the Victoria Cup last week, earning himself a spot in the B.C. Amateur Body Building Association’s provincial competition next year.

After finishing in first place at the Victoria Cup bodybuilding competition, Mike Mothersill now has his sights set on the provincials coming up next year.

Hailing from Qualicum Beach, 30-year-old Mothersill won first place in the Men’s Middleweight Open Division at the Victoria Cup last week.

Winning the tournament has earned Mothersill a spot in the B.C. Amateur Body Building Association provincial competition, taking place next summer.

“It’s pretty exciting,” Mothersill said. “I put a lot of hard work into getting there and to be able to have this result feels great. It just goes to show all that work that was done leading up to it paid off.”

“It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed myself, just a good event and I had a real good time there.”

For Mothersill, who walks around at 190 pounds, it’s been a lifelong passion of working out that eventually led to the world of bodybuilding. Mothersill and his wife, Cassandra Ford, are both dedicated to the sport and worked hard together for this event.

“She’s a great source of encouragement,” Mothersill said. “She trains pretty hard and has competed herself as well, so she knows what it takes. We work well together and I’m very fortunate to have someone like her in my life. She’s pretty intense too, she puts just as much into all of this as I do.”

Having spent over half his life in the gym with weight training, Mothersill knows what it takes to get to where he needs to be and working out of both Body Sculptors in Qualicum Beach and Bodyworks in Parksville, he’s got a good amount of support around him for the next step towards provincials.

“I love to train,” Mothersill said. “I’ve been doing it since I was 14, so it just sort of naturally led into it. My wife is right into it too and it’s pretty much our lifestyle. We both train together and this was really just sort of a thing that came up and I thought I’d just give it a try.”

In just his second competition, thanks to encouragement from his friends, Mothersill now will recover from his training and turn his focus to the provincials.

“I’ll start to turn the dieting around,” Mothersill said. “I took it down to about 1,850 calories for about the final two weeks before the event there, so I’m slowly building that back up to what I was at the start of training.”

“Basically what I want to do is get close to being back to where I was before and then just stay in a position where I can cut the weight I need to a little easier this time around and I’ll be in a better position next time around, get a bit of a jump start on training.”

In the meantime, Mothersill will continue his life as a personal trainer, alongside his wife Cassie. They can be reached through their Facebook page at

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