Mt. Timothy (Kelly Sinoski photo - 100 MIle Free Press).

Mount Timothy breaks attendance records

Resort saw record numbers of skiers coming to cut some fresh powder on Feb. 6.

  • Feb. 20, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Mount Timothy Recreational Resort is on track to having a record-breaking year.

Assistant manager Launna Bell, who just came on board this season, said that so far it’s been a fantastic season on the hill, and skiers are enjoying the 174 centimetres of snow midway up the mountain. On Saturday, Feb. 6, for instance, Mount Timothy saw record numbers of skiers coming to cut some fresh powder. Seeing so many people has been thrilling for Bell.

“I’ve just been so excited to be a part of this. The season has just been amazing despite the current situation with the COVID,” Bell said.

Although the ski hill had to close on Feb. 11 and 12 due to the extreme cold, the resort has been able to operate fairly normally for the most part. As it started the season in late 2020, Bell said Mount Timothy didn’t know what to expect but they have been amazed and thankful to stay open. The resort is one of the few sporting venues in the area that are still allowed to operate during COVID-19.

Bell noted people have been respectful of the COVID-19 protocols and continue to follow them. While there have been some hiccups along the way, Bell said the staff shares her desire to keep the ski hill open.

“It’s been a great season, everyone is so thrilled we’ve been open and everyone is following all our protocols. It’s just been fantastic,” Bell said.

Although most of those using the hill have been from the South Cariboo, Bell said they have also welcomed people from Williams Lake and even Kamloops. She said she’s really enjoyed watching all the children use the ski hill and said the feedback from them and their parents has been very encouraging.

She’s thankful to everyone coming to support the local ski hill. Mount Timothy operates as long as the snow lasts, Bell said, which is usually at least until spring break. The resort is open Thursday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.

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100 Mile House Free Press


Skiers take the lift to the top at Mt. Timothy.

Mt. Timothy (Kelly Sinoski photo - 100 MIle Free Press).