A view down the slopes at Mt. Timothy Ski Area from the 2013/14 season. The Mt. Timothy Ski Society is hosting an open meeting and wants input from the general public and its membership about ways to move the hill forward.

A view down the slopes at Mt. Timothy Ski Area from the 2013/14 season. The Mt. Timothy Ski Society is hosting an open meeting and wants input from the general public and its membership about ways to move the hill forward.

Mt Timothy society seeks public input

The Mt. Timothy Ski Society wants to hear your ideas.

The Mt. Timothy Ski Society wants to hear your ideas.

Debbie Dengel, president of the board of directors with the MTSS, said the society wants input from the general public and its membership about ways to move the hill forward.

“We’re going to be hosting an open meeting and welcome any ideas to help the hill with growth, both in users as well as financially,” Dengel said. “We’ve been having a few struggles so we’re looking for input from both major communities [100 Mile House and Williams Lake] and the smaller towns that support us.”

The meeting will take place on Monday, May 26, at the Fox’s Den Bar and Grill, located at the Williams Lake Golf and Tennis Club, from 7 to 9 p.m.

“We’ll be putting together an agenda to follow for the meeting and we’d also appreciate peoples’ comments beforehand,” Dengel said.

Anyone with comments or ideas prior to the meeting can e-mail Dengel at dengels@shaw.ca, or any of the other directors.

If you are unable to attend the meeting Dengel said suggestions are still welcome and will be reviewed.

Back in March the ski hill went public about its financial struggles. One of the ideas to help was to offer the opportunity for businesses, families or individuals to purchase new padded seat covers for the chairlift through the National Sport Trust Fund.

“We’re actively fundraising with our seat pad covers for the chair lift,” Dengel said.

“It’s $500 a chair but offers a tax receipt. The fundraiser is open until Sept. 1 and people can put a business name, family name or anything they want [embroidered] on the pad.”

Also available is corporate advertising on the towers, on the trail map and surrounding the trail map on the hill.

Mt. Timothy Ski Area operates as a non-profit society, governed by a board of 11 volunteer directors, plus a general manager, Adam Piccolo.

Anyone who purchases a season pass becomes a member of the MTSS and has voting privileges at its annual general meeting.


Williams Lake Tribune