Mustangs outlast beach foes

Penticton volleyball players Sydney McKinlay and Jordan Lilley capture the High School Beach Open championship in Kelowna

JORDAN LILLEY, left, and Sydney McKinlay of Princess Margaret Secondary won the Volleyball B.C. High School Beach Open Provincial championship in Kelowna on June 4-5.

JORDAN LILLEY, left, and Sydney McKinlay of Princess Margaret Secondary won the Volleyball B.C. High School Beach Open Provincial championship in Kelowna on June 4-5.

Sydney McKinlay and Jordan Lilley ended their careers with the Maggie Mustangs as champs.

The pair of grads captured the Volleyball B.C. High School Beach Open in Kelowna on June 5, winning 21-15 and 21-18 over Mt. Boucherie Bears Janine Harach and Katie Anderson.

“It was really good. We weren’t thinking we would do that well because we haven’t trained that much together,” said McKinlay. “It was really exciting. We played really hard.”

“It was honestly pretty amazing and we’re both best friends … we just have such good chemistry together,” said Lilley. “It was such a big win. We did it together. It was such a long, hard, hot day. To overcome all those obstacles it was like a great win for us. Something that will definitely be memorable.”

McKinlay said it was tiring as they played in 35-degree weather most of the day and were tired at the end. They trailed the first set of the championship 10-2. The pair didn’t think they would be able to win that set, but pulled off the comeback, which excited them. The Mustangs won the championship after playing six games, including a two-set quarter-final win and a three-set semifinal victory. McKinlay, who next fall will play on the UBC-O Heat women’s volleyball team, said it was a good tournament as they faced strong opposition.

“It was definitely a great finish and just to represent our school, that was definitely a great way to end it,” said Lilley, who will join the Camosun College Chargers women’s volleyball team.

McKinlay and Lilley both said it’s an exciting accomplishment to achieve for Maggie.

“For us it was about representing Maggie for the last time,” said Lilley. “Our athletic advisor, (John) Buckley helped us a lot. He came down to the beach, he gave us the balls we needed. All the support from the school really helped us get that big win.”



Penticton Western News