The Immaculata Mustangs won their second straight Okanagan AA girls basketball title Saturday in Kamloops.  The champs are: (back, from left)Coach Dino Gini, coach Andrew Gini, Katarina Routley, Gabby Cocar, Hannah Flynn, Nicole Hart, Mackenzie Horst, Amanda Grant, manager Freya Vos  and Brian Grant, (front) Ashley Prehofer, Ashlyn Day, Teaghan Wallace, Kate Johnson and Justin Puno.

The Immaculata Mustangs won their second straight Okanagan AA girls basketball title Saturday in Kamloops. The champs are: (back, from left)Coach Dino Gini, coach Andrew Gini, Katarina Routley, Gabby Cocar, Hannah Flynn, Nicole Hart, Mackenzie Horst, Amanda Grant, manager Freya Vos and Brian Grant, (front) Ashley Prehofer, Ashlyn Day, Teaghan Wallace, Kate Johnson and Justin Puno.

Mustangs prep for B.C. title defence with valley win

Immaculata wins second straight Okanagan AA girls basketball title

The Immaculata Mustangs once again have their eyes on the prize.

The Mustangs, ranked No. 2 in the province, will be looking to defending the B.C. AA girls basketball title next week in Langley.

Duchess Park, the only AA team to have beaten Immaculata this season, will head in at No. 1, while St. Thomas More and Seycove are also expected to be in contention as the week progresses.

The Mustangs are fresh off their second straight Okanagan Valley AA title after defeating the Vernon Panthers 69-55 in the final last Saturday in Kamloops.

Immaculata by just four points at the half before pulling away in the fourth quarter.

Ashlyn Day led Immaculata with 24 points, while Kate Johnson and Mackenzie Horst added 14 each.

With seniors Nicole Hart and Amanda Grant both in foul trouble, the Mustangs’ supporting cast stepped up to the challenge.

“Our bench players did a great job,” said Immaculata assistant coach Brian Grant. “Teaghan Wallace and Ashley Prehofer…they were awesome for us.”

The Okanagan Mission Huskies will be joining Immaculata at provincials thanks to a third-place showing at valleys.

OKM defeated Valleyview 60-42 as Jordan Robb led the attack with 14 points.

It will be the Huskies first appearance at provincials in three decades.

Meanwhile, the Mustangs opened the run to the valley title with a 95-33 win over Summerland. Johnson had 18 points while Hart added 17.

Immaculata then disposed of Westsyde 86-38. Day had 22, Johnson, 18, and Hart, 17.

The B.C. championship runs March 2 to 5 at the Langley Events Centre.


Kelowna Capital News