After putting in a lot of hard work on the ice, the Nakusp Falcons received the West Kootenay Midget Rep banner.

After putting in a lot of hard work on the ice, the Nakusp Falcons received the West Kootenay Midget Rep banner.

Nakusp Midget Rep Falcons West Kootenay Minor Hockey League Champions 2011-2012

The Nakusp Midget Rep Falcons accepted the Zone Banner from Minor Hockey League President Rusty Reimer just before practice.

The Nakusp Midget Rep Falcons accepted the Zone Banner from Minor Hockey League President Rusty Reimer at the Nakusp Arena on February 21 just before practice. The team earned this Zone Championship Banner by finishing first overall in the West Kootenay League with nine wins, two losses and one tie. A combined effort of 19 points. The team has had incredible success both home and on the road, and were undefeated in Chase and Cranbrook to take the tournament’s first place and a second place finish in Kelowna.

With only four weeks to prepare for the BC Tier 4 Championships here in Nakusp, March 1 –24, the team is focusing on being healthy and getting injured players ready to be on the ice. With six visiting teams from all over the province and from as far away as Whitehorse, there is going to be some great hockey to catch during March break!

Through hard work and dedication to hockey, Head Coach Ryan Struck and Assistant Coaches Kalum Stevens and Travis Rebman along with Team Trainer Doug McPherson have created a family atmosphere for the Midgets.  With 19 players on the team, it will be even more difficult for this family to part at the end of this season as nine members will be leaving the team, moving on in life, graduating from high school and spreading their wings.

When asked about the team this season, Coach Ryan Struck had some very heartfelt words: “There are kids in bigger centres that will never have the opportunity and the experience that these kids have had.”

Good luck Falcons and congratulations to the nine graduating members – may you be successful in everything you do and always keep hockey close to your hearts!


By Teresa Zanier

Arrow Lakes News