The In the Parkers, pictured here, were the champs of the regular season slow-pitch, and the Burton Barleys were the runners-up in second. Fun was had by all, however, throughout the revived league play.

The In the Parkers, pictured here, were the champs of the regular season slow-pitch, and the Burton Barleys were the runners-up in second. Fun was had by all, however, throughout the revived league play.

Nakusp Mixed Slow-Pitch regular season ends for 2012

It seems like only yesterday six teams stepped onto ball diamonds in the heart of Nakusp but now the finals have come and gone.

  • Aug. 11, 2012 12:00 p.m.

It seems like only yesterday six teams stepped onto Kathy Pedersen and Helen Zeleznik ball diamonds in the heart of Nakusp but now, two months later, the finals have come and gone. With six games per week since May, and only minimal games being rained out, the teams managed to get all their regular season games in with the weather co-operating most of the season.

It was a tough first year for some of the teams, but their spirit and laughter have showed why they are out on the ball fields. When I spoke with Misfits Captain Morgann Black, she said “It was a great and fun experience for those of us who have not played before. I hope to play again next year.”

“The league was great, it gave people something to do from ages 16 to 60-plus. It was competitive and very fun,” said Kris James, Captain of the Brew Jays.

There were some pretty competitive games too with In The Parkers and Brew Jays battling it out for top spot on a continuous basis with only five points separating the teams at the end of regular season play. And how about those Marauders? They were continuously defeated at the beginning of the season and then won four games in a row and a tied a game right near the end. They even had their own pom poms!  Then there were the Burton Barley’s who traveled every Monday and Wednesday to share their smiles and skill on the diamonds. The team Captain, Rocky….well now he’s a funny guy. I’ve seen him myself moon-walk past third base just to catch a fly ball.

I personally think that the best jerseys award should go to the team Hammered. Their jerseys are bright orange and you couldn’t miss them a mile away. Not only did they have the best jerseys but were also sponsored by Arrow Lakes Ready Mix, The Hut and Cut-Rite Meats. In The Parkers were sponsored by Home Hardware, The Misfits by Wolfe’s Catering and the Brew Jays by Kim’s Kustoms and Galena Contractors. Thank you to all of the sponsors and we hope to see more out there next year.

If you were among the many spectators out to see the final games on July 30, then you were in the midst of people who love the sport, and a crowd who roared with applause and cheer at every play made, no matter what team was on the field. It was incredible to see; there was a complete sense of community in the air.

Not only did the final game go into extra innings, with In The Parkers and Burton Barley’s going head to head, it was also a beautiful evening to end the regular season as the weather co-operated with beautiful clear skies. Past league President, Rusty Reimer was yelling out calls as the home plate umpire and his son Connor Reimer was the first base ump.

You knew ball was in the air when I was approached on the golf course by Charlie Granewall who volunteered his time to come and set up the PA system at the diamonds to have some fun announcing the final two games. That’s awesome spirit, Charlie, and thank you!

It’s not easy running a league and it’s not too difficult either, but Zac Wethal and myself enjoyed every minute of it. People have often said to us that it’s a lot of work, and I respond by saying, “I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t love it and have a passion for ball.”

It was a learning experience and one that we will take on again next year: we already have teams approaching us for the 2013 season. After so many years of the Nakusp Mixed Slow-Pitch League sitting idle during regular season, it has risen again and we hope that we can continue the fun and excitement for Nakusp and its ball enthusiasts in years to come.

“I think this new league was a huge success and I hope it continues to grow. It was awesome seeing so many people get involved. A big thanks to everyone especially to Teresa, thank you for all that you did I know it was a lot. Hope everyone had as much fun as I did,”  said Zac Wethal, Co-coordinator of the Nakusp Regular Season Slow-Pitch League.

Thank you to everyone who helped Zac and I get ball going again. Thank you to the community of Nakusp for allowing us to show you that ball is still very much alive in our town.  And a special thanks to all the spectators….your support has been incredible!


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