Nakusp soccer teams are joining the West Kootenay Football Club. (Submitted/West Kootenay Football Club)

Nakusp soccer teams joining West Kootenay Football Club

There are programs for ages three to high school

  • Feb. 25, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The days of parent volunteer soccer coaches are over in Nakusp as the teams are to join the West Kootenay Football Club.

Matthew Wood, owner and head coach for the club, is aiming to unite the soccer programs in the Slocan Valley and offer a better quality program.

Wood will be coaching each team, with the help of paid, local youth coaches. Parent volunteers will still help during games.

Wood started the club two years ago with a handful of kids. He previously coached with the Pinnacles Football Club in the Okanagan.

Registration is now open for the spring season, which Wood hopes will start at the beginning of April and end with the school year.

Age groups are ages 3- Kindergarten, Kindergarten/Grade 1, Grade 2-3, Grade 4-6 and high school.

The littlest kids have one non-competitive session per week, building skills and confidence without the pressure of playing against one another.

Grade 2 and up have two sessions per week, one in skills development led by Wood and on Saturday a match day where each age group will play organized games against each other, COVID allowing.

If pandemic guidelines allow, the season will culminate with The Unity Cup, a weekend long tournament and celebration for all age groups.

Prices are $75 for Grade 1 and under and $110 for Grade 2 and up, however, the club operates on a no kid left behind basis, Wood said. Support is available through the club and other organizations such as Jumpstart for those who need it.


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