Tihanna Wright, left, of Nanaimo Gymnastics School is all-around provincial champion in the junior Olympic Level 6 category, and her teammate Makayla White qualified for Canadian championships. (Photos submitted)

Nanaimo gymnast wins provincial title, another makes nationals

Nanaimo Gymnastics School athletes competed virtually earlier this spring

  • May. 21, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Provincial championships were held virtually this year, and that suited at least one Nanaimo gymnast just fine.

Tihanna Wright of Nanaimo Gymnastics School won the Gymnastics B.C. provincial championship in her junior Olympic Level 6 division earlier this spring, taking all-around gold after winning gold for her floor routine, silver on vault and bronze on both bars and beam.

Nanaimo Gymnastics School said in an e-mail to the News Bulletin that routines were filmed and sent to judges, and after results were posted, “we just did our own award ceremonies at our gym.”

And there was plenty to celebrate. In addition to Wright’s provincial championship, fellow junior Olympic Level 6 athlete Ella Creed earned bronze for her floor routine.

Mylah Vanden-Elsen earned silver on the vault and Makayla White earned bronze on the bars in the junior Olympic Level 9 category. White, who placed fourth all-around provincially, qualified for this year’s national championships, which will be held virtually in June.

Nanaimo Gymnastics School opted only to enter higher-level gymnasts in provincials this year.

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