‘nauts rip up the rinse

Castlegar swim team puts in strong showing - right through the ranks

Boys Div. 2 medley relay team that set a new meet record.  Back left - Hunter Hansen, back right-Lynden Hanvold, front left - Bryce Anderson, front right-  Ayden Quintanhila.

Boys Div. 2 medley relay team that set a new meet record. Back left - Hunter Hansen, back right-Lynden Hanvold, front left - Bryce Anderson, front right- Ayden Quintanhila.

The Castlegar Aquanauts competed in mid-June at the Trail and Area Invitational Swim Meet. A total of 45 swimmers competed, along with many other swimmers within the KO Region.

Head Coach Nick Welychko and Assistant Coach Michaella Yang were extremely pleased with the way each and every swimmer competed. “I was very impressed with everyone’s focus and determination. Every swimmer was on top of their game.

They took the advice Michaella and myself gave them before each race and they applied perfectly. Swimming is not only such a physically demanding sport, there is a high mental factor to it as well. If a swimmer has a perfect balance of physical and mental focus, it will only translate into each swimmer achieving their very best,” said Welychko. With this being the third meet of the season, both Welychko and Yang are looking forward to many more successful weekends. “As a coach, it was so rewarding and satisfying to see the smiles on the swimmers’ faces as they finished each race and looked up at their times,” said Yang.

This past weekend the Castlegar Aquanauts competed at the Creston Waves Invitational Swim Meet. The 28  swimmers  in Creston swam incredibly fast and even set some meet records.

Head Coach Nick Welychko and Assistant Coach Michaella Yang were very impressed with the way each and every swimmer competed this past weekend.

“I was very pleased with all of our swimmers. Everyone had a successful weekend and left me speechless by the end of the meet,” said Yang. With this much success early on in the season, both coaches are looking forward to seeing where everyone will be by the end of the season.

“Creston was a great example of the hard work and determination each swimmer is applying to practice. There were many all time best-times achieved this past weekend, as well as many swimmers applying new stroke techniques to racing. As a coach, you like to see the little things being done, along with the major focuses as well,” said Welychko.

The Aquanauts will be on their way to the Colville Swim Meet this upcoming weekend. Both Welychko and Yang are looking forward to this meet and hope to see many more successful weekends in the future.

Div 1 Boys:

3rd: Ethan Marshall

1st: Reid Quintanhila


Div 1 Girls:

3rd: Kenna Cartwright


Div 2 Boys:

3rd: Ayden Quintanhila

2nd: Bryce Anderson

1st: Lynden Hanvold


Div 2 Girls:

3rd: Madison Kehoe

2nd: Avery Cooke

1st: Claire Cartwright

Div 3 Boys:

3rd: James Marshall

2nd: Cayden Cooke

1st: Ethan Lawczynski


O Cat:

1st: Carson Ogloff


Div 4 Boys:

3rd: Corbin Anderson


Div 4 Girls:

1st: Emma Lawczynski


Div 5 Girls:

1st: Sierra Buchanan

Div 6 Boys:

2nd: Torrin Wilson

1st: Jeff Ashton


Div 7 Girls:

2nd: Ashlee Martini


Div 8 Boys:

1st: Nick Welychko


Overall Points:

3rd: Creston Waves – 343


2nd: Kimberley Seahorses – 364


1st: Castlegar Aquanauts – 783

Castlegar News