Nelson Minor Hockey held its annual awards banquet at Mary Hall on Tuesday night. The association handed out its three star awards to individual teams and also awarded special trophies. The trophy winners included: Barry Pearce Memorial (atom player) Reece Hunt; John Reichardt Memorial (atom player) Aedan Osika; Todd Matheson Memorial (pee wee house player) Jaron Ivanisko; Walter Clarkson (pee wee house player) Emma Wheeldon; Profile Photographic (pee wee rep player) Avery Enns; Alf Baker (bantam house player) Spencer Szabo; Marc Severyn Memorial (bantam rep player) Austin Tambellini; Mike Laughton Sr. Memorial (bantam rep player) Nolan Percival; R.C. Wright Memorial (midget house player) Evan Eisnor; Brian Naka (midget rep) Sam Weber; Barry Geist Memorial (top goalie in Nelson Minor Hockey) Curt Doyle; Baker St. Esso (top female player) Shea Weighill; Jackson Hole Three “A” (academics, athletics, achievement) Blair Sookro (atom), Cody St. Thomas (pee wee), Braeden Zarikoff (bantam), Cam Olson (midget); Sarge Sammartino (top officials in Nelson Minor Hockey) Adam Twible (junior official) and Paul Matusek (senior official); Ted Hargreaves Excellence in Coaching (top coach in Nelson Minor Hockey) Brian Jones (pee wee rep); Robert Jeffs Award (top volunteer in Nelson Minor Hockey) Jeanne Podgorenko.