Coach Steve Muff instructing one of the groups of skaters in the Learn to Train Seminar at the Nelson and District Community Complex.

Coach Steve Muff instructing one of the groups of skaters in the Learn to Train Seminar at the Nelson and District Community Complex.

Nelson Skating Club hosts Learn to Train Seminar

Each season the Kootenay region of Skate Canada hosts a region-wide seminar with a high level coach or coaches.

Last month saw over 30 figure skaters from all over the Kootenays sharpening their skills at the Learn to Train seminar, hosted by the Nelson Skating Club.

Each season the Kootenay region of Skate Canada hosts a region-wide seminar with a high level coach or coaches.

This season the Kootenay region was proud to welcome Steve Muff, the director of skating at the Mt. Boucherie Skating Club in Kelowna, who is a Level 3 Coach and also the BC/Yukon section’s development director for the BC interior.

Skaters had on-ice classes with Muff that covered edges, steps and turns, jumps, spins and creative expression. The final on-ice class included a fun elements competition, pitting teams of skaters against each other to complete the highest scoring elements with the best possible execution.

Off-ice classes included dance classes with Lisa Schwab of Dance Umbrella and Slava Doval of Dance Fusion, as well as a Stretch and Flex class with Shauna Leduc. Nelson Skating Club coaches Sarah Gower and Yoshie Measures also ran an off-ice jump technique class.

Coaches from skating clubs in Beaver Valley, Rossland and Nelson attended the seminar to learn new techniques, drills and more as part of their professional continuing education program.

The seminar is timed to coincide with the early part of the season when skaters are preparing skills and programs for the competitive season which starts in December.

The Nelson Skating Club is a non-profit society run by volunteers, dedicated to developing skaters for every sport including hockey, ringette, speed skating and figure skating.

Nelson Star