Nelson Sports Council floundering financially

Kim Palfenier’s position has been cut due to low minor hockey registration and the impact of bowling alley takeover.

Star columnist Kim Palfenier has lost her position at the Nelson Sports Council after it took a financial hit from taking over the bowling alley and unusually low minor hockey registration.

Star columnist Kim Palfenier has lost her position at the Nelson Sports Council after it took a financial hit from taking over the bowling alley and unusually low minor hockey registration.

The longtime executive director of the Nelson Regional Sports Council has left the organization after her position was cut.

Kim Palfenier made the decision after the sports council took a hit operating the bowling alley and lost a significant amount of their cash flow due to unusually low minor hockey registration.

“The four-day a week executive director position has been replaced by a 15-hour per week part-time office administration position that will start in late September,” Palfenier, a Star columnist, wrote in an email to the community. “I have been laid off from the executive director position and have chosen not to take the office admin position so will no longer be employed by the sports council.

“In the meantime all KidSport application processes will be uninterrupted and will continue as before. However, other services such as registrations, payments etc. and committee participation will be subject to board approval.”

When reached by the Star, Palfenier emphasized that there is no “ill will” stemming from the decision.

“The council is in distress, and they made the changes that needed to be made. They did what they had to do and I think we’re all sad about it. There’s no animosity there.”

Palfenier expressed hope the situation will be temporary, but meanwhile is working on getting her feet back “on the ground”. She said she’s not sure what the future holds but she’s still “looking at all the options”.

Palfenier encouraged anyone with questions to contact chair Mari Plamondon (seen at left) at

“I cannot stress enough how sad we are to lose Kim,” said Plamondon. “What a great effort she’s put in to bring recognition throughout the whole province to Nelson and the talent we have here. We hope we can get back that position in the near future.”

Plamondon said the council is having a meeting on Wednesday to discuss how to move forward with hiring.

Palfenier has held the position since 2008.

“She’s done so many wonderful things for sports in Nelson,” said Plamondon.

The Nelson Regional Sports Council is a non-profit organization founded by volunteers in 1999 to “pool ideas, provide expertise and resources, and advocate for better sports facilities,” according to their website.

Their responsibilities include running the Civic Centre.

(CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story misquoted Palfenier as saying she had not been laid off and incorrectly stated that she began the position in 2009.)



Nelson Star