Ellen Paynton teaches a Float Fit class at the West Fraser Aquatic Centre, one of the many fitness opportunities that are available since the pool’s grand opening in the fall. Students Meghan Welke, Bobi-Jo Brown, Marnie Brenner, Cassandra Paterson and Paola Konge follow along according to instructions.

Ellen Paynton teaches a Float Fit class at the West Fraser Aquatic Centre, one of the many fitness opportunities that are available since the pool’s grand opening in the fall. Students Meghan Welke, Bobi-Jo Brown, Marnie Brenner, Cassandra Paterson and Paola Konge follow along according to instructions.

New fitness options at West Fraser Aquatic Centre

The new West Fraser Aquatic Centre (WFAC) now has expanded fitness opportunities for residents.

A new pool and fitness centre at the West Fraser Aquatic Centre (WFAC) have expanded fitness opportunities for residents in the Cariboo Chilcotin.

Beth Holden, events and marketing co-ordinator with the City of Williams Lake, said since its opening in late November of 2017, staff have been afforded the ability to offer more fitness classes, greater convenience and variety for residents.

“It’s accessible here,” Holden said of the new facility at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex.

“We’re trying to keep it as accessible to people as possible. One of the great things people like to take advantage of here is taking a fitness class or working out and then going for a soak in the hot tub or steam room, and that’s all included in one drop in.”

At the freshly-minted WFAC, more space is allowing for more variety and scheduling flexibility in its aquatic fitness classes.

One particularly popular class now being offered, Holden said, is called FloatFit — a workout including burpees, lunges, squats and more, all on water on top of a floating mat. It’s perfect for anyone looking for a low-impact, cross-training class while getting a full-body workout.

“We’ve got a core, high-intensity class to a mellow yoga FloatFit — just for people who are wanting to get used to the boards,” Holden said. “It’s really popular, and a new trend. We’re stoked to be able to offer it here.”

Teaching the FloatFit classes at the WFAC are Ellen Paynton, Tim Johnson, Pasty Konke and Nicole Pleasants.

“People have been really interested in these classes so we’re trying to add a variety of things,” Holden said.

Another activity for pool fitness goers is the use of the new lazy river.

“They can use it as resistance training,” she said. “That can help build strength and range of motion, but it’s still similar to aquafit where it’s low impact.”

There’s also Hydrotherapy Range of Motion (ROM) classes held in the warmer water of the leisure pool which focus on helping participants increase mobilty and balance.

For those looking to swim a few laps in the lane pool, the ability to now use the leisure pool for some fitness classes has been a welcomed addition, Holden added.

“We’re really happy to be able to offer our Aquafit classes and be able to keep the leisure pool open for public swimming,” she said.

Upstairs at the fitness centre, several drop-in classes are offered on a weekly basis.

If you’ve ever been intimidated or reluctant to step foot inside a gym, Holden said multiple clases currently underway are perfect for anyone interested in starting a training regiment.

“Right now we’re offering a number of classes to help people learn how to use the gym properly,” she said. “It’s an affordable way to have a certified instructor teach you how to use the equipment, but also build a routine for you.

“We’re trying to open our doors to as many people as possible.”

For updates on upcoming classes and events search “Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex” on Facebook, or visit the Recreation Services Department website at www.williamslake.ca/130/recreation-services for class and drop-in schedules. You can also call for more information at 250-398-7665.

Williams Lake Tribune