New sponsor for Sunnydale Men’s Club

Race to Bear Mountain competition joins Midland Tools Cup play


Sunnydale Men’s Club has a new sponsor for the “Race to Bear Mountain.” Roy Creek Logging (Jon Huisman) has stepped up to sponsor a year-end prize of four rounds of golf and two nights accommodation at the Bear Mountain Golf Resort near Victoria.

Our year-long Midland Tools Cup, sponsored by Midland Tools in Courtenay, has completed Week 3. On Sunday, 44 eager players showed up under threatening skies. Come on out and have some fun next Sunday morning – 8:30 a.m. start; sign up by 8 a,m.

Sunday, April 27 results:

0-10: Low gross – Greg Koster 71 c/b, Mitch Carr-Hilton  71. Low net – Kyle Stairs 69, Lou Watkins 70.

11+: Low gross – Wally Pettigrew 78 c/b, Sylvio Alberti 78. Low net –     Emil Zap 65, Ken Cottini 66.

KPs were won by Ron Pinke, Ken Cottini, Jules Urban, Viking, Larry Ferguson. The winners received their choice of a $5 credit in Rob Speer’s Pro Shop or Sunnydale Clubhouse.

– Sunnydale Men’s Golf


Comox Valley Record