NEWS sports reporter brings enthusiasm

Give Tyson a call or e-mail with your results, ideas

  • Nov. 28, 2013 11:00 a.m.

Local resident Tyson Taylor is the new sports reporter/photographer at The NEWS.

Taylor, 27, lives in Hilliers and is a graduate of Kwalicum Senior Secondary. He played basketball and soccer in high school.

An avid fan of all sports, Taylor was asked why he thought sports reporting and photography is a key part of a community newspaper.

“It’s important to let everyone know what’s happening with local teams and athletes and to put the spotlight on them,” said Taylor.

Look for Taylor at local rinks, pools and fields.

“We’re delighted to add another keen local person to our team at The NEWS,” said editor John Harding. “Tyson has an infectious excitement about local sports that we’re sure will be evident in his stories and photographs.”

All local sports teams and athletes are encouraged to contact Taylor directly with their news, results and story ideas. E-mail: or call 250-951-3809.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News