(L-r): Carol McNeil, Hazel Wadlegger and many others enjoyed golfing on Ladies Night at Lacarya Golf Course in Blackpool last year. This year the events are put on hold due to COVID-19. Photo submitted

(L-r): Carol McNeil, Hazel Wadlegger and many others enjoyed golfing on Ladies Night at Lacarya Golf Course in Blackpool last year. This year the events are put on hold due to COVID-19. Photo submitted

No Ladies Golf Nights – for now

"If things subside in the coming months, we may reconsider this."

  • May. 13, 2020 12:00 a.m.

By Kay Knox

Golfing is good for us (and we love it every time we hit a fine shot!); so is staying well by following the rules to avoid the spread of COVID-19.

Lacarya Golf Course in Blackpool is open for business with sensible, easy-to-follow adjustments to some procedures. You can check details on their Facebook page — or read them on the patio door before you play.

So, while we ladies “are good to go for golf,” Ladies Night has been put on hold because those fun evenings include the handling of many items like money, tickets and prizes, not to mention gathering for a meal after the game is over.

“We can still,” writes Captain Larissa Hadley in an email circulated to lady golfers, “enjoy a game of golf and yet social distance.” She continues, “If things subside in the coming months, we may reconsider this.”

The course has a few wet spots (in one of which another ball now rests in peace after my last game!) but is in great shape. Just be sure to phone ahead to book your tee time.

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